legion resources and support programs
Your Royal Canadian Legion is committed to making a difference in the lives of Veterans and their families, providing essential services in our communities, and remembering the men and women who sacrificed for our country. Here are some of the ways that a local branch supports these initiatives:
The Nutana Legion Branch 362 organizes and conducts our annual Remembrance Day service and recognition events
We collaborate with our city to build and maintain local cenotaphs and memorials to honour the Fallen
Our museum celebrates local heroes with displays of artifacts and stories to remember their place in history
To find out more: https://legion.ca/remembrance
The Legion advocates for the care, benefits and wellbeing of all Veterans and their families. Nationally, the Legion is actively advocating for a list of measures that, if adopted by Canada’s Government, will have a positive impact on our Veterans and their families.
In addition to national advocacy efforts, the Legion works at the provincial and local levels to advocate for Veterans and their families.
To find out more: https://legion.ca/advocating-for-veterans
Assistance with Veterans Affairs Canada
Adjusting to civilian life
Financial assistance
Mental health and PTSD
Homeless Veterans
Allied Veterans
To find out more: https://legion.ca/support-for-veterans
Families and Seniors
There are local programs to assist families and seniors of our Veterans.
To find out more: https://legion.ca/support-for-veterans/support-for-families
Youth Track and Field Nationals
Youth Education - bursaries, “essay, poem and poster” contest
To find out more: https://legion.ca/communities-youth
$5,000 donation by Canadian Legion of Riders No.2
Four chairs donated to St. Paul’s Hospital for Palliative Care
Presentation to Diane Robson, chairperson of Poppy campaign
Every year, from the last Friday of October to November 11, tens of millions of Canadians wear a Poppy as a visual pledge to honour Canada’s Veterans and remember those who sacrificed for the freedoms we enjoy today. While the Poppy is distributed freely to all who wish to wear one, the Legion gratefully accepts donations to the Poppy Fund.
The Poppy Campaign is very much a local initiative, conducted by Legion Branches in cities, towns and communities across the country. Donations collected during the Poppy Campaign are held in Trust at the branch level to directly support Veterans and their families within their community and to help ensure Canadians ‘never forget’. Learn more about how your donations help Veterans.
The Poppy Campaign also features a new digital Poppy, found online at mypoppy.ca. Canadians who donate online will receive a digital Poppy in remembrance of a Veteran of their choosing.